telehealth Therapy for New mothers, with Lauren Puliz, Licensed therapist in CAlifornia

Lauren Puliz therapy for millennial moms

The process of becoming a mother, or matrescence, is a life-changing, perspective-altering, and ever-evolving process that all new mothers face. It can be overwhelming, gratifying, tough, and super fulfilling. But sometimes, you need a little help along the way in your journey of motherhood – and that’s where my telehealth virtual therapy comes in to support you. This is my favorite season to provide therapy for because I’ve been there myself! Through therapy sessions for new moms, I provide compassionate guidance and a supportive space for you to thrive in your motherhood.

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Included in Motherhood Virtual Therapy

Our virtual therapy sessions provide a safe and confidential environment for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as a new mother. Through our sessions, I can help you navigate the ups and downs of parenthood with confidence and resilience.

From managing stress and anxiety to coping with the emotional rollercoaster of postpartum hormones, our sessions offer guidance, practical strategies, and a listening ear to help you overcome challenges and embrace the journey and transition into motherhood. Whether you're struggling with feelings of isolation, adjusting to your new role as a mother, or dealing with postpartum depression or anxiety, our virtual therapy services are designed to meet you where you are in your motherhood journey. 

Benefits of Virtual Therapy for New Mothers

  • With virtual therapy, you can attend sessions from the comfort of your own home (or your car, or your backyard, or whatever works best for your schedule and the season you’re in), eliminating the need for childcare or travel time. We’ve got enough on your plates, so let’s make it easy for you to take care of yourself.

  • I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in the state of California, and with virtual therapy, whether you’re in San Diego or San Francisco, we can work together. Let’s fill the West Coast with thriving mothers through virtual therapy!

  • Whether you're struggling with postpartum depression, adjusting to parenthood, or navigating all the challenges that come with motherhood, our therapy sessions provide personalized guidance and support every step of the way.

Could I benefit from virtual therapy for new moms?

The answer is likely YES! Virtual therapy services are ideal for new mothers who are:

  • Struggling to adjust to the demands of parenthood

  • Experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety

  • Feeling overwhelmed or isolated

  • Seeking support in navigating relationship dynamics with partners, family, or friends

  • Looking for a safe space to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences as a new mother

What exactly can Lauren help me with through virtual therapy?

Have you ever felt like your problems are not quite “bad enough” to sign up for therapy? Then you’re in the same group as so many mothers with the same thoughts.

There’s a misconception that this season is meant to be hard, so we just have to keep moving through it — alone and struggling — because that’s what everyone else is doing, right? Wrong!

Don’t struggle through this season of motherhood just because you feel like “everyone else does it.”

You deserve to have a motherhood journey that honors you, your emotions, your transition. You deserve to feel like you are not drowning in this new role you’re in. 

Common struggles new mothers share that we can work through, together:

  • Hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, and the demands of caring for a newborn can contribute to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and overwhelm. A listening ear from a pro can make a world of difference.

  • Adjusting to life with a newborn can be isolating, particularly if you're far from friends and family or if your support network is limited. Let’s work through how to feel supported, even if you’re people aren’t right there - emotionally or physically.

  • Matrescence, or the transition to motherhood, often brings about shifts in identity. Who am I now that I’m a mother? I don’t have time for myself, and does that make me selfish? How do I fit into this new role? Let’s chat through these big questions together.

  • A new baby isn’t the only human that new mothers have to adjust to. Often, having a baby changes relationships with partners, other family members, and friends that can be challenging. We can work through healthy ways to navigate these changes during our sessions.

GEt started — Contact Lauren for virtual therapy for new mothers

It’s important to make sure this connection is a good fit for all parties involved.
Book a free 20-minute consultation call with me today by using the easy self-booking tool!

No matter what is dulling your days, I can’t wait to help you find your vibrant self again. You’re not alone, mama, and you deserve support!

To make sure I’m a good fit for your budget and schedule, please read over my
Fees and FAQs.